If you're anything like me, you LOVE chips. The way they crunch, the salty satisfaction, even the smell is enough to send you on a full fledge binge. The biggest problem with regular potato chips is just that. The potato, high salt content, and high fat content is enough to send any person on a binge. Hence the saying "you just can't eat one,". Well today I'm going to introduce you to one of my favorite recipes. Kale Chips. Kale chips are not only loaded with vitamins and minerals, but they taste amazing once you jazz them up a bit. This recipe is inexpensive, simple, and mouth watering!

What You Will Need
  • Kale (organic is best)
  • Olive Oil
  • Sea Salt
  • Any seasoning of your choice

What to do
  1. Put the Kale leaves in a bowl and coat each leaf with olive oil
  2. Sprinkle you Kale with Sea Salt and any other seasoning of your choice. Choose the seasonings based on the taste you are going for. I wanted a "Lays potato Chip" kind of flavor so I used Adobo seasoning and garlic. 
  3. Place the Kale onto a parchment paper covered pan and place into the oven at around 300 degrees.
  4. Let the Kale sit for around 10 minutes, or until you get the desired crunch that you want. 
  5. Take out of the oven, let them cool down for a minute and enjoy!!!

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