You all probably think that I am honey crazed, and you would be correct. Honey has so many benefits and I believe that more people should know about them. Today I'm going to present you all with my favorite honey facial mask. This mask will leave your face supple, glowing, and feeling fresh.

What you will need

2 tablespoon of unpasteurized organic honey (I use nature's promise)

1 tablespoon of your favorite oil (I use coconut oil)
1 teaspoon of lemon juice


There is no need to melt the honey because the oil and lemon juice lighten the consistency. I simply take the mixture, apply it to my face (wash it before) and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. The mixture will feel a bit funny on your face, but don't worry this is normal. Simply wash off the mixture and you are done. I only repeat this process about 3 times a week because the lemon juice can be damaging if used too much. 

So many people will think that I have gone off the deep end after reading that title, well you're very wrong. I literally put honey in my eye and here is why. Raw, organic honey mixed with water is filled with essentials that your body needs. It is proven to moisturize your eyes and improve your overall eye health. Here are some more benefits of putting honey in your eye. 

Have an eye infection?
Honey is filled with antioxidants and has osmotic properties. Because of this it has the ability to clear up eye infections naturally. 

Dry eyes?

As many of us know, honey is a natural moisturizer. Personally, I use it in many facial masks and even deep conditioners. Honey does the same exact thing for your eyes. It lubricates your eyes naturally, making them shinier and leaving the whites bright.

Want lighter eyes?

Long term use of the honey and water eye mixture has been proven to lighten your eye color. 

Convinced? Here is how you make it

Boil a very small amount of water then add the honey. Make sure the honey is raw, and organic. LET THE MIXTURE COOL. Empty a store bought eye dropper and suck up your mixture. I prefer to keep the amount of honey lower because it can sting a little bit if there is more honey than water. I hope you guys find this very useful! Comment below if you have tried this or are willing to!

If you're reading this you probably want one of two things. Either you want hair down to your butt or you just want to know what the heck I'm talking about. Well, I'll tell you. I'm talking about the extraordinary vitamin which is biotin! If you are not familiar with biotin, it has numerous health benefits. However  most people are just crazy about it because it is proven to grow hair. I can personally vouch for that statement because I have used biotin! Within 2 weeks of taking biotin, I noticed that my nails were strong as steel and I could feel my hair getting thicker. After about two months of taking biotin my hair grew at least an inch maybe a bit more. Now most of you may be thinking that's not a lot, but you have to remember that hair only grows a half an inch a month usually. Biotin works for virtually any hair type, is inexpensive and does more than just grow your hair. 

Boost that Metabolism

For those of you out there who are looking to lose weight, listen up! Biotin processes every type of food that you ingest, including carbohydrates, protein and fat. If you have adequate biotin levels, the food that you take in will be processed quickly. So in simple terms, the faster your body can process this the more it raises your metabolism which influences weight loss!

My Blood Sugar Needs Help!

As I mentioned before, biotin breaks down carbohydrates within your body. Keeping your carbohydrates down is largely responsible for keeping your blood sugar at healthy levels. People who have diabetes have actually been described biotin to keep their blood sugars at a low.

The Challenge!

If you've read any of my other blog posts, you know how much I love to challenge myself and you all. For 30 days I'm going to make it a point to take a biotin pill every day and then at the end of it report back to you all. The type of Biotin that I have is Natrol 10,000 MCG maimum strength. LISTEN! 10,000 mcg is the highest level that you can buy. If you are new to Biotin I suggest that you get a very lower dosage and gradually work your way up over time. I personally started at 5,000 mcg. It is crucuial that you start out on a slow dosage because Biotin has been known to cause acne problems, but can be prevented by hydration. The first time I tried Biotin my hair grew wildly, but my face broke out. However, at the time I was eating unhealthy. The second time I tried it my hair grew wildly AND I did not break out, in fact my skin actually cleared up. I'm not saying that you have to choose the biotin challenge, but try a different type of vitamin challenge and share it with me! Remember, challenge yourself!

Natrol Biotin 10,000- http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004H7GB9G/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B004H7GB9G&linkCode=as2&tag=onewithea-20

Sugar scrubs have always been a popular beauty product. However, they can be a bit pricey and may contain chemicals that you don't want on your body. About a year ago I began researching some healthy and more naturals ways to make beauty products. One that I loved was the brown sugar facial and body scrub. Since I loved it so much I thought you all would love it to! I have a few different recipes that I make for different purposes so here they are!

Back to the Basics

2 parts of brown sugar to 1 part of your favorite oil. I use coconut oil because it smells yummy and plus it's light. You can also add a half a teaspoon of another essential oil just for extra moisture.

For those dark spots and acne scars

I love this recipe because it cleared up the few dark marks I had for acne scars. This is another simple recipe that only requires brown sugar, half the amount of our favorite oil and a few drops of lemon. I like to use fresh lemon, but any lemon juice will work. WARNING: Do not use this recipe everyday. I only use it about three times a week because the lemon can be damaging to the face if over used.

Oooo Tingly!

I really love this recipe especially if you are a person who loves the tingle of peppermint. This recipe like the others requires 2 parts of brown sugar to 1 part of sweet almond oil and a few drops of peppermint essential oil. Not only does this smell delicious, but it promotes circulation of the body which is always good!

These are just a few recipes that I love to use to make my sugar scrubs. If you want further instruction on how to make them, or how to use them use the links below. Happy Scrubbing!


Whenever I get close enough to people I always seem to get the above comment. I know what you're thinking. How could I possibly smell like fresh coconuts without using those damaging chemical filled coconut hair products. The answer is very simple. I use fresh Coconut Oil to give myself a scalp massage. Scalp massages have numerous health benefits and Coconut Oil does an amazing job at getting the job done! If you're still suspicious about this whole oil massage deal then read on.

Itchy, flaky, and dry oh my!
If you're the type of person who seems to always itch your scalp, then an oil scalp massage could work wonders for you. You can use virtually any essential oil to do a scalp massage, but coconut oil works wonders. Coconut oil is a very light oil which allows it to penetrate the scalp easily. The cause of itchiness and dryness in the scalp is the lack of natural oil in the scalp. After just one use you'll be able to feel your scalp being relieved of all that itchiness. 

I wish my hair was longer!
 Oil scalp massages promote blood circulation in the scalp just like a body massage does for the body. Blood circulation in the scalp has been linked to healthy hair growth. How does this work you ask? Blood flow to the hair follicle prevents it from going into something called the resting phase. When hair goes into the resting phase it sheds to make room for new hair growth. By having good blood circulation in the scalp it prevents the hair from going into the resting phase prematurely. If hair goes into this phase prematurely than more hair than needed could be shed. The bottom line is that blood circulation equals hair growth. 

I need to relax my mind!
Just like any massage, an oil scalp massage has been proven to relax not only the mind, but the body. An oil massage relieves all of the muscle tensions in the face. Relaxation of the head has been linked to better sleep and an overall relaxed well being. 

For even more information about Oil Scalp Massages, and the hair benefits of Coconut Oil visit:


