Whenever I get close enough to people I always seem to get the above comment. I know what you're thinking. How could I possibly smell like fresh coconuts without using those damaging chemical filled coconut hair products. The answer is very simple. I use fresh Coconut Oil to give myself a scalp massage. Scalp massages have numerous health benefits and Coconut Oil does an amazing job at getting the job done! If you're still suspicious about this whole oil massage deal then read on.

Itchy, flaky, and dry oh my!
If you're the type of person who seems to always itch your scalp, then an oil scalp massage could work wonders for you. You can use virtually any essential oil to do a scalp massage, but coconut oil works wonders. Coconut oil is a very light oil which allows it to penetrate the scalp easily. The cause of itchiness and dryness in the scalp is the lack of natural oil in the scalp. After just one use you'll be able to feel your scalp being relieved of all that itchiness. 

I wish my hair was longer!
 Oil scalp massages promote blood circulation in the scalp just like a body massage does for the body. Blood circulation in the scalp has been linked to healthy hair growth. How does this work you ask? Blood flow to the hair follicle prevents it from going into something called the resting phase. When hair goes into the resting phase it sheds to make room for new hair growth. By having good blood circulation in the scalp it prevents the hair from going into the resting phase prematurely. If hair goes into this phase prematurely than more hair than needed could be shed. The bottom line is that blood circulation equals hair growth. 

I need to relax my mind!
Just like any massage, an oil scalp massage has been proven to relax not only the mind, but the body. An oil massage relieves all of the muscle tensions in the face. Relaxation of the head has been linked to better sleep and an overall relaxed well being. 

For even more information about Oil Scalp Massages, and the hair benefits of Coconut Oil visit:




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