No, I am not talking about the amazing Chia plant. However, I am talking about the amazing seeds that grow that plant. Chia seeds have been getting a lot of attention lately and I'm going to tell you why. 

Get that Omega-3 in!

Chia seeds are very rich in polyunsaturated fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 can help to reduce inflammation, enhance cognitive performance, and reduce high cholesterol. Chia seeds' lipid profile is made up of 60 percent omega-3s, they are one of the richest sources of these fatty acids including alpha-linolenic acid.

Do you need more fiber in your diet?

Chia seeds are a GREAT source of fiber, with a total of 10 grams in only 2 tablespoons. This amount of fiber is one third of the suggested daily amount. 


Chia seeds are very rich in antioxidants and help to protect the body from things like free radicals, aging and cancer!

Long Shelf Life

Because of the high antioxidants, chia seeds also have a very long shelf life. They last up to 2 years without refrigeration! 

On a Gluten Free Diet

Chia seeds are gluten and grain free. Meaning that all of the nutritional benefits of Chia seeds can be used on a gluten-free diet.

Are you looking for an egg replacement?

When Chia seeds are mixed with a liquid, they create a gel. Chia seeds are lower in cholesterol, but still have great nutrients. For a great Chia Seed Recipe check out my recipe blog.

Chia seeds are one of my favorite seeds for all of the reasons I listed. On my recipe blog I have posted my favorite Chia Seed Recipe. I hope you all enjoy! Stay Healthy!


Recently, many people are just finding out how bad white flour is for you. Because of this, many people stray away from flour in general. I'm here to tell you that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO! Today I want to show you some very inexpensive, simple, and yummy ways to substitute white flour. I hope you enjoy!

Whole Wheat Flour

This one can be a bit tricky if you do not READ THE LABEL. Many companies try to trick their buyers by saying "Wheat Flour". There is a big difference between "Wheat Flour" and "Whole Wheat Flour". "Wheat" flour is just another word for White Flour. So why is White Flour so bad for you? White flour is not the best for you simply because all of its natural nutrients have been sucked out of it. Whole Wheat Flour on the other hand still has all of its natural benefits such as vitamins, fiber, and protein. 

Cousin Kamut

Kamut Flour is closely related to Whole Wheat flour, except for the fact that it does not trigger as many sensitivities. Kamut has a golden color and tastes slightly buttery. So for all of you out there who may be allergic to Whole Wheat Flour, try its cousin Kamut!

Almond Flour?

Almond Flour may be an expensive White Flour substitute, but it has loads of benefits. Because Almond Flour is made from flour, it has the same nutrients that it would in nut form. Almond Flour is high in monounsaturated fats, magnesium, and vitamin E. Still not convinced? Almonds have been liked to lowering heart disease risk, so almond flour will do the same!

This is a very short list of white flour substitutes. The point of this was to open your mind to a world outside of white flour. I am huge on baking substitutes and these are some of my favorites. If your white flour substitute craving is not satisfied just yet, check out the links below!!!


The Acai berry happens to be one of my favorite berries out there, and not because the name sounds sexy. The Acai berry is delicious, and has tons of health benefits. For those of you who are not familiar with the Acai berry, it is a grape like fruit that is found in the Rainforests of South America. Not impressed yet? Stay tuned.

The Acai Berry is a fighter, no really it's a fighter

Studies show that Acai berry can help fight illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, prostate enlargement (that means you fellas), and even helps to make your immune system stronger. How is this possible? The Acai berry is filled with antioxidants that help to cleanse the body and rid it of toxins. We all know that those icky toxins are no good.

Worried about your Cholesterol?

The Acai berry is filled with Omega-6 and Omega-9. Why do you care? They both help to lower LDL cholesterol which is shown to actually harden arteries which leads to heart disease ergo. Adversely, The Acai berry helps to maintain the amount of HDL cholesterol in your body. This is important because HDL cholesterol is good for your body. 

Want your skin to glow?

Research show that the oil within the Acai berry can aid in skin care, in fact numerous beauty protects contain Acai oil. It is proven that eating Acai berries can give your skin a healthy glow. Don't believe me? The Brazilians have been using it for centuries to help treat skin conditions. 

Better Sex

The Acai berry helps to improve blood circulation. Your sexual organs depend on this blood circulation. Therefore, the more blood circulation have the better your sexual organs will function which will lead to better sex. Hopefully that convinced you. 


So you're convinced on this berry but don't know how to use it! Here is a link below that will educate you on the use of the beautiful Acai berry. 
